Email: mmalipula@mzumbe.ac.tz ||

Email: faissa@mzumbe.ac.tz
Dr. Faisal H. Issa is a full-time Senior Lecturer in the Department of Administrative Studies at Mzumbe University, Dar-es-Salaam Campus College. His areas of academic concentrations are Public Management, Development Administration and Policy. He has a rich background as a result of several years in both the academic and the practical worlds. He holds a PhD in Development Policy (Cum laude) from the University of Bremen in Germany; a Master in Business Administration from Strathclyde Graduate Business School in Scotland; a Post graduate Diploma in Development Management (Distinction) from Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland and Advanced Diploma in Public Administration (Second Class Upper) from the Institute of Development Management (IDM) now Mzumbe University. He has been teaching and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students of relevant disciplines for over 20 years.
His experiences in management and administration begun just after his undergraduate studies and continued for most of his career years: a personnel and administrative officer in a public owned factory; Panel Chairperson of the Public Management Subject Panel at IDM; Director of Human Resource Development at Central Government Ministry, responsible for capacity building in the public service of Tanzania and also managing the Leadership Development Component of the Public Service Reform Program Phases I and II; became the Regional Administration Secretary in Kilimanjaro and later Mwanza regions - the position entailed being the head of the civil service in the administrative regions overseeing social, economical and political developments in the eight districts of each of the two regions. Currently as a member of staff in the Department of Administrative Studies, he is also responsible for short courses, consultancies and outreach coordination for the Campus College and also a member of Research and Publication Committee of Mzumbe University.
He has been involved in numerous consultancy, research and outreach activities and written widely on issues of leadership, management, and community development. He is currently working with colleagues in completing two publications on research activities undertaken on decision making in public organisations and trust at community levels.

Dr. Andrew S. Sulle is a full-time senior lecturer at Mzumbe University, Dar es salaam Campus College. He holds a PhD in Public Administration from the Catholic University of Leuven- Belgium, and a Master of Science in Governance and Development Administration from Birmingham University - the UK. He received his BA (Hon.) from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Dr. Sulle is also the recipient of two prestigious international scholarship awards: the Ford Foundation International Scholarship award (2003) and the Belgium Technical Corporation International Scholarship award (2007). He was the Deputy Principal, Dar es salaam Campus College- Mzumbe University from December 2011 to June 2014.
Dr. Sulle’s main area of research interests and expertise ranges from governance, politics, and public policy analysis to public sector management. His most research area of research interest is the hybridization of public sector management and the unsettled issues of post-NPM governance reforms. As result of various researches, Dr. Sulle has co-authored, authored and published in both local and internationally recognized journals. In addition, Dr Sulle has also undertaken a number of consultancies in areas such as advocacy and women empowerment, Poverty, environmental and social management plans and Social-economic and environmental impact assessment for large projects. Apart from extensive supervision experience for post-graduate students at Mzumbe University, Dr. Sulle also teaches courses in Public Administration, Public sector governance, public policy analysis Ethics and Leadership. He has been an external examiner for a number of universities in Tanzania
Published articles: Research Gate

Senior Lecturer
For the last 15 years, Darlene has worked intensively in the fields of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) development, development policy, private sector development, diaspora and national development, development aid and HR development.
Darlene is the founder and coordinator of the Graduate Sales Bootcamp, a yearly training and coaching program directed to create the next leaders of Tanzania. She chose to partner with the sales specialist Enzo Graziano to transform hundreds of graduates ever since 2016.
Darlene is also a member of the Africa List, the invitation-only community created by the UK government and a member of the Eisenhower Fellowship, a non-profit organisation gathering outstanding global leaders. Darlene is an associate of the consulting companies DKM Associates and EG Associates.
Published Articles: Google Scholar || Linkedin

Published Articles: Research Gate || Linkedin

Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer
Andrew is a Lecturer at Mzumbe University, Tanzania and has PhD in Civil Society and Governance from the University of Birmingham, UK. His PhD focused on Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the Politics of Engaging Government in Tanzania. His research interests and activities are around governance and democracy especially at local levels i.e. village/streets; social action, activism, and advocacy; ethnography, animation and insider researcher approaches; public policy development and implementation; civil society and NGO development; aid industry, poverty and; NGOization’ of Civil Society. He teaches courses on:
- Development Policy
- Civil society
- Public Policy Management
- Governance and Ethics
- Social Science Research Methods
Andrew used to work with NGOs and Civil Society especially in the areas of policy advocacy and capacity building. He has been working closely with INTRAC in the areas of research and capacity enhancement for civil society.

Research Interests: The economic impact of climate change adaptation and mitigation; natural resources and environmental economics; monetary and financial economics.
Dr. Coretha is a Senior Lecturer of Economics at Mzumbe University, Dar es Salaam Campus College in Tanzania. Coretha is a holder of PhD in Economics (2014), M.A in International Development (2004); Advanced Diploma in Economic Planning (2000).
Coretha has worked as a lecturer for International Economics course offered at master’s level by the University of Bradford (UK) in collaboration with Mzumbe University; and Microeconomics, Microeconomics and Project Planning and Management courses offered at master’s level by CMR University in collaboration with Mzumbe University. She has also worked as a visiting lecturer in International Economics, a Masters Course at the Institute of Financial Management in collaboration with India Institute of Foreign Trade. She is also an External examiner, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa. She has been supervising several Masters’ dissertation in various Economics branches at Mzumbe University. Currently, she co-supervising a PhD candidate registered at the Open University of Tanzania.
At Mzumbe University, Coretha has worked as the Head of Department of Administrative Studies at Dar es Salaam Campus College; Chairperson, Tender Board Committee, Mzumbe University, Dar es Salaam Campus College; Quality Assurance Coordinator, Mzumbe University, Dar es Salaam Campus College.
Coretha has authored and published several articles, a book chapter and a book in economics and business in both local and international journals and publishers.
To see her publications visit her Google Scholar Page.Click here

Mrisho Malipula currently works at the Department of Administrative Studies, Mzumbe University Dar es Salaam Campus College (DCC). Mrisho does research in Qualitative Social Research, Governance, Comparative Democratization and Comparative Politics. Their most recent publication is 'Ethnicity, voting and the promises of the independence movement in Mwanza, Tanzania'.
Published articles: Research Gate

More about her: Linkedin
Published articles: Research Gate || Google Scholar